Evidence In Pictures
Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations " - Ezekiel 16:2
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Back cover of the year book.
- Notice the Catholic (Pagan) three finger posing of the hand originated in Babylon as the "Trident salute"
- Notice the "halo of Baal" behind the head
- Notice the "long hair" on this "Jesus"
- Notice the Catholic symbol for the Universe (the crystal globe) as well as the "cross" of Baal within it
- Notice the "solar blaze" of Baal embroidered upon the chest within the "cross" of Baal.
- Notice the "scarlet" (red) clothing of Roman Catholicism
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Front cover of the year book.
- Notice the Catholic version of a "Pretty Jesus"
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Page 1 of the year book.
- Notice the Catholic (Pagan) three finger posing of the hand originated in Babylon as the "Trident salute"
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Page 3 of the year book.
- Notice the Catholic "Solar disc" (halo) of Baal behind the "Queen of Heaven" of Rome
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Page 29 of the year book.
- Notice the Catholic "Solar disc" (halo) of Baal
- Notice the "long hair" on this person. (Jesus?)
- Notice the "crossed" hands used in many Pagan icons
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Page 57 of the year book.
- Notice the Catholic (Pagan) "hidden" three finger posing of the hand originated in Babylon as the "Trident salute"
- Notice the "halo of Baal" behind the head, along with the phallic "rays" of Baal within it
- Notice the Roman Catholic cropped hair of the monk"
- Notice the Roman Catholic clothing of the monk
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Page 67 of the year book.
- Notice the "halo of Baal" behind the head of both "Jesus" and "John the Baptist"
- Notice the "long hair" on both
- Notice the Catholic (Pagan) method ofg "sprinkling" with water rather than full immersion
- Notice the vulgar display of hair in the mid section of the body on "Jesus"
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Page 71 of the year book.
- Notice the Catholic (Pagan) three finger posing of the hand originated in Babylon as the "Trident salute"
- Notice the "halo of Baal" behind the head created of Pagan phallic symbols in a "solar blaze" pattern
- Notice the "long hair" on this "angel"
- Notice the "femininity" of this angel
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Page 75 of the year book.
- Notice the "halo of Baal" behind the head
- Notice the "long hair" on this "Jesus" yet the "short hair" on the Apostle
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Page 85 of the year book
- Notice the "halo of Baal" behind the heads created of Pagan phallic symbols in a "solar blaze" pattern
- Notice the Roman Catholic clothing of the monk
- Notice the Roman Catholic clothing of the cloistered nun
- Notice the "Solar blaze" patterns on two of the Catholic "monks"
- Notice the "trident" symbolism depicted on one of the monks (top center of pic)
- Notice the "encrusted" "halo of Baal" on two of the women
- Notice the "Solar disc" symbol of Baal atop two of the headdresses
- Notice the "crossed hands" of Baal on the soldier (center of pic)
- Notice the "evergreen" symbol on dress of woman on left
1991 "Cast" student yearbook from Andrews University
Page 111 of the year book.
- Notice the Catholic (Pagan) clothing of the people
- Notice the man "whispering" in the ear of the man with closed eyes (Pagan symbol of temptation)"
Vatican flag flies at the 1995 General Conference of Seventh day Adventists Assembly
Notice "Yellow and White" flag with Vatican crest
Back page of the December 5, 1988 Pacific Union Recorder
No comment necessary
Adventist Review November 8, 2001 page 10
Notice Bert B. Beach, a General Conference SDA Representative shaking hands with Pope John Paul II"
Click here to see the article
Seventh Day Adventist Pastor B.T. Rice with Pope John Paul II
- Notice this SDA "Pastor" joining hands with Pope John Paul II
- Notice the large and unhealthy body of this SDA "Pastor"
NOTE: Many have claimed recently that B.T. Rice is not an SDA pastor. But the SDA church ADMITS he is here.
Seventh Day Adventist General Conference Headquaters in MARYland USA
En el Vaticano Adventista TRANSLATED = "In the Adventist Vatican"
February 1987 "SIGNS of the Times"
Out of all the hundreds of thousands of pictures of this man, the SDA Church chose this one to grace the COVER of "SIGNS of the Times"
- Notice the "Pagan Mitre" of Dagon in the picture
- Notice the "Bent Crucifix," which the scuplter named "Antichrist" before the Pope began to use it
- Notice the Pagan clothing displayed with pride in this picture
- For more info on this, click here.
Main Graphic from the Home Page of "United Nations Liaison Office of the SDA Church
- Notice the "Member" Graphic declaring the SDA church officiall a member of the United Nations
- Notice this openly emulates the Beast in Rome just as prophecy predicted (Rev. 13:14)
- To see actual graphic on their Home Page, click here.
image #1
image #2
IMAGE # 1 = North American Division letterhead, from a May 21, 1996 letter
- Notice the leader in "IMAGE #1" pointing to the SUN
- Notice in IMAGE #2 an artist rendition of worshiping the Sun Toward the East from Ezekiel 8:16
Ministry Magazine (for SDA Ministers) Front Cover August 1990
- Notice the dozens of Pagan Symbols depicting Sun worship on this SDA magazine
- Magnify this pic and you will see everything from the Pagan orb to the halo.
- Click here to verify this is an SDA ministerial magazine (scroll to August of 1990)
To see additional facts regarding symbols, click here.
SDA "Reverend" speaking at Sunday Worship Services
- Notice the term "Reverend" being used by this SDA preacher in direct opposition to Biblical Jurisprudence in Psalm 111.9.
- For a man to claim a title only to be used by God is to stand as a man claiming to be God just as Rome's Pope
- Notice the Latin terminology used in the "4 words of love"
- Notice this is a Lutheran church he is gathering with
- Notice the Baal symbolism on the bottom left of the advertisment.
- Going to St Peters website one can see the graphic Roman Catholic influence and acceptance of same.
- Notice the deception in defining the Latin terms. "Eros" for example is better defined as a "Sexual love" not "attraction."
Loma Linda Seventh-day Adventist University Church
1. Notice the phallic spire of Roman Catholicism / Paganism
2. Notice the miter of Dagon from Roman Catholicism / Paganism
image #1
image #2
image #3
Cover of the Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary Vol 7A Published in 1957 by Review & Herald
- Notice the Pagan COPTIC CROSS embossed on the cover
- Image #2 I highlighted the Coptic cross for those with weaker computer monitors
- Image #3 Crosses like these are often associated with sky and or Pagan sun gods. The Cross Potent is a symbol adopted from ancient Mesapotamia. The cross potent with a circle was used as the sign for the Assyrian heaven-god, Anu. This cross is also called the
Windlass, a term linked with it from back in the Middle Ages.
image #4
image #5
image #6
Cover of the Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary Vol 7A Published in 1957 by Review & Herald
- Image #4 is the COPTIC CROSS used for the Pagan New Year (Notice swastikas!). This "coptic cross" is associated with the coptic new year (nayrouz) which is celebrated on a Sunday in early September during the Roman Catholic liturgy. NOTICE THE SWASTIKA in each corner of the center cross! (Highlighted
in yellow)
- Image #5 is the Greek Orthodox Version
- Image #6 Ethiopian Priest using COPTIC CROSS in procession.
September 2005 Adventist World-NAD Page 9
Notice LAST PARAGRAPH. Openness with the POPE?
Above picture is from the SDA church in San Luis Obispo, CA
There are MANY Pagan symbols in this window. A few that jump right out are...
- Notice the phallic shapes of the window
- Notice the Islamic shape designed to proclaim ecumenism
- Notice the solar discs of Baal
- Notice the "stained glass" of Pagan Rome
- Notice the fleur-de-lis on top the four square windows with solar discs of Baal
- Notice the two miters of Dagon the Pagan fish god
Above picture is of Samuele Bacchiocchi on Jesuit Graduation day at "Pontifica Universitas Gregoriana
There are MANY Pagan symbols in this window. A few that jump right out are...
Above picture is of Samuele Bacchiocchi's Graduation Certificate as a Jesuit priest
Above picture is of Samuele Bacchiocchi' Jesuit priest clothing up close
- Notice the Latin language of Rome
- Notice the "+" cross of Baal
- Notice the official "IHS" of the Jesuit Order
Above picture is of Samuele Bacchiocchi's Jesuit clothing laid out on steps
Above picture is the "official" SDA Logo
- Notice the inverted cross of Baal
- Notice the Three waves that seem to encircle a "globe". (waves = #6 in ancient pagan symbolism)
Above picture the Pine Rivers SDA Church News
Notice the Ying Yang in the upper right corner
Notice the enlargement of Pine Rivers SDA Church News upper right corner of page
Below is "highlighted" version
Found in General Conference Portfolio
Some will say it is ok to tithe to a corrupt church. They say the "sin is only on the leaders," and not on those that tithe. They say this to keep your tithes flowing. They twist the following quote by saying SOP says you must
still tithe to the SDA church... (click here for more)
Found in General Conference Portfolio
Some will say it is ok to tithe to a corrupt church. They say the "sin is only on the leaders," and not on those that tithe. They say this to keep your tithes flowing. They twist the following quote by saying SOP says you must
still tithe to the SDA church... (click here for more)
Found in General Conference Portfolio
Some will say it is ok to tithe to a corrupt church. They say the "sin is only on the leaders," and not on those that tithe. They say this to keep your tithes flowing. They twist the following quote by saying SOP says you must
still tithe to the SDA church... (click here for more)
Bundaberg (Queensland, Australia) Seventh-day Adventist Church
- Notice the Pagan symbolism throughout
- Notice the massive phallic spire
- Notice the Dagon miter on all the windows (Same miter all Popes use)
- Notice the Roman architecture
image #1
image #2
Adventist MEDIA logo
- Notice the "Infinity" or "Lazy Eight" floating atop the logo
- Image #2 is the actual "infinity" or "Lazy Eight" sign of the occultist
This symbol is considered to be the Western Version of the Yin/Yang. When you find this symbol encircling a globe it is done to signify Satan has taken the entire Earth under his demonic control. Rock and Roll bands like Duran
Duran and Journey have this symbol on their album covers. Now, it is also used by the Seventh Day Adventist Church!
Picture #1
Picture #2
Seventh Day Adventist Church and Neo Pagan Witchcraft
- Picture #1 is from MAIN PAGE of the World Council of Churches (WCC)
- Picture #2 is froma Wiccan Website
- Notice the Roman Catholic altar on #1
- Notice satin spilling onto altar from "cross"
- Notice satin spilling onto floor
- Notice satin flowing down aisle
- In Roman Catholicism, you are taught the satin = blood
- Notice pic #2 with exact same symbols in real blood
- Also notice the "eye of Satan" floating atop the symbols
- The "eye of Satan" is also found in all Roman Catholic churches. (click here for more info)
Why does all this affect the SDA church? Click here to see proof the SDA church is a member of the
WCC! Once there, scroll down to "Christian World Communions" and you will find the SDA church is #7 on the list.
January 2007 Adventist World Magazine
- Notice the youth being encouraged to display gang signs and other hand signals.
- Notice the "yellow box" with the youth sharing the Satanic salute
(SDA) SQ 2007 Youth Calendar
- Notice the cross of Baal at the bottom right side of the large "07" on left (middle) edge of page. (in green box)
- Notice the BEADS the cross is connected to.
- A cross with beads is in fact a Roman Catholic rosary! What's a rosary? Click here
- Notice crosses of Baal above the rosary. (in green box)
- Also notice on right side of page an upside down cross! (in green box)
Pic #1
Pic #2
Nathan Brown's book "Revelation" (Released at Adventist Book Center)
- pic #1 is photo of release announcement at Adventist Book Center
- pic #2 is "zoom in" of bottom bar on book cover"
on pic #2...
- Notice Roman Catholic candles
- Notice the SUNrise (used by Pagans to glorify Baal)
- Notice the coptic cross and Pagan halo behind "long haired" Jesus
- Notice the second "cross" with the "offering" to Baal in center of cross
- Notice the other pics glorifying city life
Scanned letter from SDA church confirming tithes are used to pay for litigation
Scanned Church Bulletin
- Notice the Cornucopia which is a Pagan symbol originating from Greek mythology. (See here )
- Also notice the phrase below "Please Reverence me I am your place of worship, I am the Lord's sanctuary" This is "temple worship" in the exact way of the Pharisee's of old. This is why so many SDA's refuse to leave. Like Roman
Catholics, they are taught to worship the church, over God. Sounds like the SDA church is echoing Jeremiah 7:1-16.
SDA Church ~ Hope Channel Logo
- Notice hands outstretched with the ball head on SDA logo image on left.
- Notice official humanism logo on right with outstretched hands and ball head. (aka. happy human)
- Click each picture to see on originating websites.
SDA Church ~ "Record"
- Notice the sinister method of using "Pharmakeia" warned about in Revelation 18:23 as a way to entice people into the SDA church
SDA Church ~ ADRA Care Logo
- Notice hands outstretched with the ball head on SDA "ADRA" logo which depicts "happy human" of the humanist movement.
- Notice official humanism logo on right with outstretched hands and ball head. (aka. happy human)
- Notice how the outstretched arms of each "happy human" creates a pyramid on top, and the head of the "happy human" creates the eyeball just like AOL does to symbolize the "eye of Horus" (Satan) on the back of American dollar
- Click "happy human" pic on top to get more info.
Adventist Book Store Catalog
- Notice Adventist Book Store Catalog selling CATHOLIC STUDY BIBLES
- (Catholic study bibles contain lessons on Catholic doctrine)
SDA Avondale College Located in: Lake Macquarie, NSW
- Notice inverted pyramid.
- When a pyramid is pointing down, it symbolizes water, female sexuality, goddess religions and homosexuality. (source)
SDA "Record" reports Church Loss of Members
- Notice there is no mention of Jesus Christ, only a glorification of the Church instead.
SDA pastor B.T. Rice addressing the Pope in a Vatican mass
NOTE: Many have claimed recently that B.T. Rice is not an SDA pastor. But the SDA church ADMITS he is here
Andrews University Summer of 2009 FOCUS magazine
Page 21of the magazine.
- Notice the Seventh Day Adventist students bowing to Allah.
- Notice the pic details on the right admitting their "participating in worship at an Islamic mosque."
- Directly after these pictures were taken, the SDA leaders started to declare "Allah is God" and "the Koran holds the same truths as the Bible." (Click here for the videos)
September 2009 "Signs of the Times" magazine page 17
- Notice the Roman Catholic Pope displayed as a Christian washing the feet.
- Of all churches, why did the SDA church use the pope as a way to speak of Jesus instituting foot washing? IS this to confirm they no longer see him as Antichrist? Yes! The church declared that in writing years ago.
- Notice how they lift up the pope by declare the washing of feets has been done by the pope for centuries
- Notice how they then speak of this being an act that Jesus spoke of, while at the same time glorifying the pope.
- Notice how they make it a point "in passing" regarding Peter. Is this to make their flock to believe Peter was a pope?
- Is this done to make the pope appear holy? Yes it is. Truth is, the ordinance of humility should never be a photo op! If the pope was a Christian, he just nullified his blessing here!
- Notice the Pagan coptic cross on top left
- Notice the name. No longer "Seventh day" Adventist. Now simply "Adventist." Why the change? Click here
- Notice the Roman Catholic "LENT" being embraced.
- Notice the Roman Catholic "EASTER" being embraced.
- Notice the Pagan candles in the video.
- Notice the mention of the Roman Catholic ASH WEDNESDAY in video caption.
- If you watch the video, the SDA pastor uses Vatican inspired ash to make the sign of the Pagan cross on peoples forheads. Just like Rome.
- Also notice in the video the poor soul wearing the dreadlocks in his hair.
- Also notice in the video all the many dark colored candles which are used in witchcraft, Paganism, and Satanism.
- Why the "Purple" church? Have you ever seen a Vatican parade? If not, click here.
Mindanao SDA Sanitarium and Hospital College of Medical Arts Foundation - Iligan City, PhilippinesCollege Costume Party
- Notice the Pagan face of Baal welcoming SDA Seniors to the party
- Notice the Voodoo characteristics of this mask.
Additional info:
African Voodoo Masks = "tribal identity" "connection to the spirit world" "personify demonic possession" see here
The large mask of the "Seniors' night" has serpentine depictions all around the head, while at the same time represent a burning soul. The large mask also look similar to the "mask of the green woman" well known among Pagan's in their Spring festival of fertility
Mindanao SDA Sanitarium and Hospital College of Medical Arts Foundation - Iligan City, PhilippinesCollege Costume Party
- Notice the Pagan face of Baal on the girl on the left
- Who else does cosutme parties? Satanists, Witches, Pagans, Catholics, & Homosexuals.
- Where did such face masks origniate? In the Voodoo culture as a way to allow the person to lure spirits into their bodies.
- Notice girl on left. Her hand signal is the Pagan's trident salute of the Roman Catholic church. How did she learn such a thing as this in an SDA school?
Additional info:
African Voodoo Masks = "tribal identity" "connection to the spirit world" "personify demonic possession" see here
October 2003 SDA Ministry Magazine for Pastors
- Notice the Satanic symbolism most see on the back of the USA Dollar bill. The EYE OF PROVIDENCE / SATAN.
- Notice the Trinity of Rome depicted in the pyramid.
- This eye is also seen in MANY Vatican churches.
- Notice how it also looks like the AOL symbol? A well known antichristian organization.
- Notice how the yellow top resembles a flame so as to allow the Roman Catholic candle a place in the logo
- Notice how the hands depict the number 6. Three sixes encircling the world declares Satan's agenda.
AGMA SDA School X-Mass chorus
- Notice the Santa Clause hats
Doug Bachelor at National Religious Broadcastes Convention
Years ago Doug spoke out against the Vatican prelates. Now, he poses for pictures with them.
Lake Perris Seventh-day Adventist Church
- Notice the obvious Roman Catholic architecture
- Notice the Pagan "mitre" appearance of the main entrance
- Notice the Pagan spire (steeple)
- Notice the Pagan window representing Baal
Proud display of SDA tattoo
This poor soul that tattooed his body was never told by his pastor to read Leviticus 19:28
SDA Chrstmas Publication
- In English it actually says We should see christmas with the same meaning as Sabbath"
SDA & 3ABN TV Broadcast
- Notice the Roman Cross in the background
- Notice the "SIX" Roman Columns in a triangle pointing to the Roman cross of torture.
- This depicts in a subliminal manner that Rome is the main power that leads to the cross!
More to come...
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